• Enhance and enforce Sustainable Operational Policies.
• Educate our Clients to many benefits of Sustainable Design Principles achieved by
cost effective ways.
• Always seek opportunities to apply the best Sustainable Solutions to fit the needs
of our Clients requirements.
• Educate and prepare our Staff for the coming changes that will lead the building
industry towards zero emissions buildings.
• Raise public awareness to the importance of incorporating Sustainable Principles
into their daily life.
ABC through our extensivenetwork of professional consultants with substantial
experience in delivering certified green building projects, has the technical
knowledge to work with any recognized Certifying Green Agency such as Green
Globe, HK Bream, Green Star, etc.
Each rating system focuses on a particular field or structure, the contents work
cooperatively to form a cohesivecertification system that promotes green buildings in
design and construction.
The rating systems evaluate the project's potential
environmental impacts and human benefits based on credit allocations of the
following categories:
• Sustainable Sites
• Water Efficiency
• Energy and Atmosphere
• Materials and Resources
• Indoor Environmental Quality
• Innovation in Design
• Regional Priority